CodeToHtml Frequently Asked Questions |
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Below you will find some common questions of CodeToHtml users may have - if your question is not answered below, don't hesitate to submit your question to us. Thank you.
How can I convert source code to to HTML file?
How can I convert source code to to XHTML file?
How can I convert source code to to BBCode file?
How can I convert source code to to RTF file?
How can I convert source code to to TeX file?
How can I convert source code to HTML/XHTML/BBCode code in clipboard memory?
How can I customize the output style such as font and keyword color?
Is it possible to run CodeToHtml in console (DOS) mode?
Maybe I find a new bug, you want to get it?
What can I do if I have more questions?
How can I convert source code to to HTML file?
Very easy - please click menu 'Configure' --> 'General Options' --> 'Add to context menu'.