Integrate SourceFormatX Into AnyEdit |

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Format Source Code within AnyEdit
The following instructions allow you to format and indent the current open source code file
in AnyEdit Editor using
SourceFormatX code formatter command line tool. We used
a freeware version of AnyEdit Version 2.0 Beta 3, so if you use an older or even a newer version then
several screenshots or menu items may differ from our description.
Add a Tool Menu that will invoke SourceFormatX
1. Click "Edit" -> "Preferences".
2. Click the "Tools" tree item.
3. Assuming you installed SourceFormatX in C:\Program Files\SourceFormatX\, fill in the form as show below:
- ToolType: Windows Program
- Name: SourceFormatX
- Command: C:\Program Files\SourceFormatX\SourceFormatX.exe
- Arguments: $FILEPATH
- Initial: $FILEDIR
- Output: (Leave blank)
4. Click "Apply" to save settings.
Assign SourceFormatX user tool to programming languages
1. Click the "Language Tools" tree item.
2. In the "Language" box select "Cpp", then in the "Tool" box select "SourceFormatX" and click ">>" button to assign SourceFormatX to C/C++ language.
3. Use this way, you can assign SourceFormatX to Java, Pascal and other programming languages.
4. Click "OK" to save settings.
You may now invoke SourceFormatX code formatter by two ways:
1. Open a C/C++, Java or Pascal file, then invoke SourceFormatX by clicking "Tools" -> "All Tools" -> "SourceFormatX".
2. Open a C/C++, Java, Pascal or other source code file, then invoke SourceFormatX by clicking "User Tool 1" button in the toolbar.
Don't waste time on formatting code by hand any more! Download SourceFormatX to format all source code now!