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C/C++ Source Code Formatting Show

Code Formatter Features

SourceFormatX Code Formatting Tool bases on powerful syntax parse engines so it can beautify and format source code files with various coding styles, even these messy source code examples below:

C/C++ Java C# Delphi (Pascal)
PHP JSP ASP JavaScript
Visual Basic VB.NET VBScript HTML Components
80x86 ASM 8051 ASM CORBA IDL

  C/C++ Source Code Formatting Examples:     Example 1   |   Example 2   |   Example 3   |   Example 4   |   Example 5

This is an extreme C code formatting example, the purpose of it is to show the power of SourceFormatX C/C++ Code Formatter's syntax parse engines. This C source code is a part of one project of IOCCC Flight Simulator, it's a flight simulation match system on Unix/Linux X Window. The author of this source code is aerojockey. If you want to compile it, you need X11 lib.

  /*                                  */
  /*     Before C Code Formatting     */
  /*                                  */

  #include                                     <math.h>
  #include                                   <sys/time.h>
  #include                                   <X11/Xlib.h>
  #include                                  <X11/keysym.h>
                                            double L ,o ,P
                                           s[999],E,h= 8,I,
                                          1E3,r,t, u,v ,W,S=
                                          a,B,A=32.2,c, F,H;
                                          int N,q, C, y,p,U;
                                         Window z; char f[52]
                                      ; GC k; main(){ Display*e=
   XOpenDisplay( 0); z=RootWindow(e,0); for (XSetForeground(e,k=XCreateGC (e,z,0,0),BlackPixel(e,0))
  ; scanf("%lf%lf%lf",y +n,w+y, y+s)+1; y ++); XSelectInput(e,z= XCreateSimpleWindow(e,z,0,0,400,400,
  0,0,WhitePixel(e,0) ),KeyPressMask); for(XMapWindow(e,z); ; T=sin(O)){ struct timeval G={ 0,dt*1e6}
  ; K= cos(j); N=1e4; M+= H*_; Z=D*K; F+=_*P; r=E*K; W=cos( O); m=K*W; H=K*T; O+=D*_*F/ K+d/K*E*_; B=
  sin(j); a=B*T*D-E*W; XClearWindow(e,z); t=T*E+ D*B*W; j+=d*_*D-_*F*E; P=W*E*B-T*D; for (o+=(I=D*W+E
  *T*B,E*d/K *B+v+B/K*F*D)*_; p<y; ){ T=p[s]+i; E=c-p[w]; D=n[p]-L; K=D*m-B*T-H*E; if(p [n]+w[ p]+p[s
  ]== 0|K <fabs(W=T*r-I*E +D*P) |fabs(D=t *D+Z *T-a *E)> K)N=1e4; else{ q=W/K *4E2+2e2; C= 2E2+4e2/ K
   *D; N-1E4&& XDrawLine(e ,z,k,N ,U,q,C); N=q; U=C; } ++p; } L+=_* (X*t +P*M+m*l); T=X*X+ l*l+M *M;
    XDrawString(e,z,k ,20,380,f,17); D=v/l*15; i+=(B *l-M*r -X*Z)*_; for(; XPending(e); u *=CS!=N){
                                     XEvent z; XNextEvent(e ,&z);
                                           N-LT? UP-N?& E:&
                                           J:& u: &h); --*(
                                           DN -N? N-DT ?N==
                                           RT?&u: & W:&h:&J
                                            ); } m=15*F/l;
                                            c+=(I=M/ l,l*H
                                            +I*M+a*X)*_; H
                                             )/S; K=F*M+(
                                             h* 1e4/l-(T+
                                             a=2.63 /l*d;
                                             X+=( d*l-T/S
                                              *(.19*E +a
                                              )-M* v +A*
                                              Z)*_; l +=
                                              K *_; W=d;
                                              "%5d  %3d"
                                              "%7d",p =l
                                O*57.3)%0550,(int)i); d+=T*(.45-14/l*
                               X-a*130-J* .14)*_/125e2+F*_*v; P=(T*(47
                               *I-m* 52+E*94 *D-t*.38+u*.21*E) /1e2+W*
                               179*v)/2312; select(p=0,0,0,0,&G); v-=(
                                 )/107e2)*_; D=cos(o); E=sin(o); } }

  /*                                  */
  /*      After C Code Formatting     */
  /*                                  */

  #include <math.h>
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <X11/Xlib.h>
  #include <X11/keysym.h>
  double L, o, P, _ = dt, T, Z, D = 1, d, s[999], E, h = 8, I, J, K, w[999],
         M, m, O, n[999], j = 3.3e-2, i = 1e3, r, t, u, v, W, S = 7.45e1,
         l = 221, X = 7.26, a, B, A = 3.22e1, c, F, H;
  int N, q, C, y, p, U;
  Window z;
  char f[52];
  GC k;
    Display * e = XOpenDisplay(0);
    z = RootWindow(e, 0);
    for (XSetForeground(e, k = XCreateGC(e, z, 0, 0), BlackPixel(e, 0));
    scanf("%lf%lf%lf", y + n, w + y, y + s) + 1; y++);
    XSelectInput(e, z = XCreateSimpleWindow(e, z, 0, 0, 400, 400,
                 0, 0, WhitePixel(e, 0)), KeyPressMask);
    for (XMapWindow(e, z);; T = sin(O))
      struct timeval G = { 0, dt * 1e6 };
      K = cos(j);
      N = 1e4;
      M += H * _;
      Z = D * K;
      F += _ * P;
      r = E * K;
      W = cos(O);
      m = K * W;
      H = K * T;
      O += D * _ * F / K + d / K * E * _;
      B = sin(j);
      a = B * T * D - E * W;
      XClearWindow(e, z);
      t = T * E + D * B * W;
      j += d * _ * D - _ * F * E;
      P = W * E * B - T * D;
      for (o += (I = D * W + E * T * B, E * d / K * B + v + B / K * F * D) * _; p < y;)
        T = p[s] + i;
        E = c - p[w];
        D = n[p] - L;
        K = D * m - B * T - H * E;
        if (p[n] + w[p] + p[s] == 0 | K < fabs(W = T * r - I * E + D * P) |
            fabs(D = t * D + Z * T - a * E) > K)
          N = 1e4;
          q = W / K * 4e2 + 2e2;
          C = 2e2 + 4e2 / K * D;
          N - 1e4 && XDrawLine(e, z, k, N, U, q, C);
          N = q;
          U = C;
      L += _ * (X * t + P * M + m * l);
      T = X * X + l * l + M * M;
      XDrawString(e, z, k, 20, 380, f, 17);
      D = v / l * 15;
      i += (B * l - M * r - X * Z) * _;
      for (; XPending(e); u *= CS != N)
        XEvent z;
        XNextEvent(e, & z);
        ++ * ((N = XLookupKeysym(& z.xkey, 0)) - IT ? N - LT ? UP - N ? & E : & J : & u : & h);
        -- * (DN - N ? N - DT ? N == RT ? & u : & W : & h : & J);
      m = 15 * F / l;
      c += (I = M / l, l * H + I * M + a * X) * _;
      H = A * r + v * X - F * l + (E = 1e-1 + X * 4.9 / l, t = T * m / 32 - I * T / 24) / S;
      K = F * M + (h * 1e4 / l - (T + E * 5 * T * E) / 3e2) / S - X * d - B * A;
      a = 2.63 / l * d;
      X += (d * l - T / S * (1.9e-1 * E + a * 6.4e-1 + J / 1e3) - M * v + A * Z) * _;
      l += K * _;
      W = d;
      sprintf(f, "%5d  %3d"
                 "%7d", p = l / 1.7, (C = 9e3 + O * 5.73e1) % 0550, (int) i);
      d += T * (4.5e-1 - 14 / l * X - a * 130 - J * 1.4e-1) * _ / 1.25e4 + F * _ * v;
      P = (T * (47 * I - m * 52 + E * 94 * D - t * 3.8e-1 + u * 2.1e-1 * E) / 1e2 + W * 179 *
      v) / 2312;
      select(p = 0, 0, 0, 0, & G);
      v -= (W * F - T * (6.3e-1 * m - I * 8.6e-2 + m * E * 19 - D * 25 - 1.1e-1 * u) / 1.07e4) * _;
      D = cos(o);
      E = sin(o);

Example 1   |   Example 2   |   Example 3   |   Example 4   |   Example 5

  Don't waste time on formatting C/C++ source code by hand any more!  Download SourceFormatX C/C++ Free Trial Now!